Create a will online
Peace of mind in minutes
Write a will online in as little as 15 minutes and take care of what really matters. Every document is checked by our team for your peace of mind. Trusted by thousands since 2020.

An Easy Process

The Best Value

Peace of mind

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How It Works
A professionally-checked online will in just a few simple steps.

Answer our simple questions
Our online journey makes writing a will quick and easy. You can do it from the comfort of your own home in just 10 minutes.

Get it approved by our experts
Our online questions are expert-approved. For your peace of mind, all documents are checked by the A to Z team.

Review & pay when you're happy
At the end of the questionnaire, you will be presented with a summary of the information you have entered.

Receive your will by email or post
Once the secure payment has been made, the will document will be emailed or posted to you, along with detailed instructions for making the will legal.

Update your will at anytime
When you have finished making your will online, you can log in and keep your will up-to-date forever.
About Us
One in three people in England and Wales die without a will. Half of all people in the UK over 45 years of age don’t have a will. This can cause such terrible problems and confusion as the law dictates who gets what. If no blood relatives can be traced, the crown can even inherit an estate.
A-Z Will creates peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

A fully legal will writing service
Simple Will Online £99.00
Write a will online in as little as 15 minutes and take care of what really matters.
Update your will twice a year | Printing and postage (optional) from £15.00
No hidden extras.
Over the phone or in the office- £150.00
If you don’t feel confident writing a will online – no worries!
One of our specialists would be happy to make your will over the phone.
Contact us to get started.
Trustworthy and Experienced

Members of the Society of Will Writers

£2,500,000 professional liability insurance

100% customer satisfaction guaranteed
Everything You Need In One
Peace of mind
Be legally covered and can relax in the knowledge that your estate is safe.
Our team of experts are to help and answer any questions you have.
Privacy guaranteed
Rest assured that the content of your will is entirely secure and confidential.
We use the latest security to ensure your data is secure and encrypted.
Our wills are valid and fully legal for property held in England and Wales.
Wills professionally checked by the A to Z team. Trusted by thousands.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you need a solicitor present to write a will?
You do not need a solicitor present to write a will. This said, there are some important reasons why you should want your will to be checked by a professional, and why every will made on A to Z Wills is professionally checked.
We have the appropriate insurance to ensure you are protected.
What happens if I die without a will?
Dying without a valid will is called “dying intestate” or in a state of “intestacy”. Around a third of people in the United Kingdom die intestate and this can lead to a huge amount of suffering and extra expense for family members and loved ones.
There is a common misconception that surviving relatives decide how an estate should be divided but this is not the case. There are strict rules that determine how an estate is managed and who gets what. In some cases, this can mean that the money goes to the government. Having a fully legal will is the only way to guarantee that doesn’t happen.
If you are married or in a civil partnership, the first beneficiary will be the surviving partner, but they will not necessarily inherit the whole estate and the inheritance is dependent on which blood relatives survive the deceased.
Who can witness a will?
Witnessing the last will and testament is an essential step in making your will legal. If your will is not correctly witnessed, it is not valid. If you choose invalid witnesses (see below), they will not be able to inherit from your estate.
Your will must be signed by two witnesses, in your presence, at the same time as you sign the will
A witness or the married/civil partner of a witness cannot benefit from the will
A blind person cannot be a witness
Witnesses must be over 18 years of age
A witness must be “of sound mind” and capable of understanding the nature and effect of what they are doing in witnessing your will
If a witness is a beneficiary (or the married/civil partner of a beneficiary), the will is still valid but the witness/beneficiary will not be able to inherit from the will.
With, you will receive comprehensive instructions for signing and witnessing your will along with the document.
Do married couples need two wills?
Married couples should have two wills to ensure that each individual’s wishes are fulfilled.
For example, if you personally own a watch that you would like your son or daughter to inherit, that should be covered by your individual will. In some cases, one spouse may not want the other to inherit a property in which the couple lives but is owned by an individual.
A will is a personal thing but if both partners have identical wishes, a mirror will is an option. In a mirror will, the content of both wills is nearly identical, except for the name of the testator.
Are online wills legal?
The short answer is yes; online wills are legal, if you fill in the information correctly and sign/witness the document correctly. With your will, you will receive a comprehensive document explaining the witnessing process and how to store your will once it has been completed, signed and witnessed.
The documents produced on are based on longstanding legal precedents and are suitable in the majority of circumstances.
I have separated from my partner, do I need a new will?
Unless you want your estate to pass to the person from whom you are separated, a new will is the only way to ensure your wishes are fulfilled. Here are two examples:
Without a will:
Jack and Diane have been married for five years and have two children. Diane leaves Jack and the children and moves in with Terry. Jack has not yet started divorce proceedings when he dies without a legally valid last will and testament.
Diane would still be first in line to inherit Jack’s money and property according to intestacy laws. Jack could have prevented this by writing and executing a will.
With an out-of-date will:
Andy and Mark wrote mirror wills leaving everything to each other after entering a civil partnership. They have since separated and are living with other partners but have not re-written or revoked their wills.
Until the civil partnership is officially dissolved, the wills are still valid: Andy’s possessions would go to Mark and vice versa.
Divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership
Divorce or dissolution of civil partnership does not automatically revoke your will like getting married does. If you divorce or dissolve your civil partnership after your will is made, any reference to your former spouse or civil partner will be treated as if he or she had died on the day that the decree absolute or final dissolution order was made. You should seek legal advice in those circumstances.
It is important to update your will or create a new will whenever your circumstances chance, for example getting married or entering a civil partnership, getting divorced or dissolving a civil partnership, or when you have children.
Wills and Step children
Unless you have legally adopted your step children, they have no automatic right to inherit under the laws of intestacy. The only way to ensure that they will be provided for in the event of your death is to name them as beneficiaries in your will.
Using our online will writing service, you can determine exactly who you want your possessions to pass to in the event of your death. Without a valid last will and testament, your estate will be divided according to the laws of intestacy. It is in these circumstances that stepchildren can be left unprotected.
If you have stepchildren and wish for them to be provided for in the same way as your biological children, you must do so with a last will and testament. Without a will, they have less claim to your estate than, for example, an illegitimate child who can prove a blood relationship to you.
I have a large and/or complicated estate
If you have a large estate that could be subject to inheritance tax (see here) then your beneficiaries could benefit if you spoke to a specialist. A list of tax planning and private client solicitors can be found on the Law Society website here.
Similarly, if you have a complex estate, for example adult dependent relatives then you should speak to a solicitor face to face.
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©2021 A to Z Wills Limited | Registered in England and Wales | Company No. 13150982 | Data Protection Reference No- ZA879789 | All Rights Reserved.
This material is for general information only and does not constitute tax, legal or any other form of advice. You should not rely on any information contained herein to make (or refrain from making) any decisions. Always obtain independent, professional advice for your own particular situation. A to Z Wills Limited is a member of the Society of Will Writers. It is not regulated by the Solicitor's Regulation Authority.